In October, we conducted a comprehensive capacity-building training in Somalia focused on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), targeting mental health practitioners and social workers. The overarching theme of the training was centered on “Mental Health as a Universal Human Right,” emphasizing the fundamental principle that everyone, including youth, deserves access to quality mental health services and support.
Through interactive sessions and practical workshops, participants gained valuable insights into evidence-based practices, trauma-informed care, and community-based interventions within the MHPSS framework. Our training aimed to enhance the capacity of professionals to address mental health challenges effectively, especially in the context of diverse and complex needs among youth and vulnerable populations in Somalia.
By equipping practitioners with updated knowledge and skills, we contribute to building resilient communities and promoting mental well-being as an integral part of holistic health services.
#CapacityBuilding #MHPSS #YouthMentalHealth #Somalia #UniversalHumanRight